Distance travelled – 51.5 km
Avg speed – 15.9 kph
Max speed – 23.1 kph
Coorong National Park to Kingston SE
Our 28th wedding anniversary. Crazy ideas for trips, building houses, starting businesses, Denise’s mumbling and my supposed deafness have obviously been good contributing factors to our partnership.
After a rainstorm in the night the wind picked up and by the time we got up it was obvious we would have a hard ride to Kingston today.
It was a cold, windy and wet ride and by the time we reached Kingston we were both quite cold. We had stopped at the Kingston Bakery for lunch and as it was cold we were pleased to be able to sit inside. In retrospect we must have looked a real sight, red faces, wind blown and damp looking. For once no one asked questions or talked to us so we must have looked like we were having a bad time.
We had dinner at the Royal Mail Hotel and the meals were the biggest and best we have had at pub - good value for money – but no room left for dessert!
Zoom into the map and use the 'Satellite' layer
to see our new location.
Crossing the sand dunes at Coorong National Park
Sand dunes and salt lake Coorong National Park
A poor photo but we thought this rock looked like an elephant
Kingston SE
Our solar powered Christmas lights
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